showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsrank
Lord of the Rings - Game One  Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (Beam Software)1987 68k archaicearth arda binarycolor book cpu-68000 interactivefiction lotr osclassic uchronia weefolkprotagonist wordinput labelimagesubject
The Hobbit Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (Beam Software)1987 3.5disk 68k archaicearth arda book circadiancycle cpu-68000 currency dragons earth forest goblinoids halflings incarnateddivines interactivefiction lotr mystics osclassic trolls uchronia weefolk weefolkprotagonist wordinput labelimagesubject
The Shadows of Mordor Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (Beam Software)1988 68k archaicearth arda book interactivefiction lotr osclassic uchronia wordinput labelimageminimize
The Crack of Doom Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (Beam Software)1989 68k archaicearth arda book earth goblinoids halflings interactivefiction lotr osclassic uchronia weefolk weefolkprotagonist wordinput labelminimizeminimize
Moria author1993 68k arda creatureidentification itemidentification magic mapgenerator osclassic perchararelations roguelike taxonomy titularlocale labelminimizeminimize